Monday, June 25, 2012

Everything Is All Right! ~ Part One

Several years ago my husband and I were Children’s Evangelist. For eight years we traveled up and down the east cost holding Kid’s Crusades. We spent forty-four weeks of the year in a different cities holding action packed services for families, telling them of the love of Jesus through puppet, games, Bible stories, contest and lots of fun. We ended each week with a twenty-four foot banana split! What fun we had.

In 1985 our travels took us to Jamaica for the entire month of February. We held thirty-five services in twenty-one days. It was not a vacation! It was during that time we experienced a miracle with our son Christopher.

Chris had just turned three the end of December and two days after his birthday he started running high fevers and had difficulty eating. We had taken him to the doctor only to be told it was just something going around and it would soon pass. A week later there was no change, so we returned to the doctor. This time they ran test for strep throat only to tell us that it was clear. Trips to the doctor’s office and to the emergency room continued throughout the month of January. Each time we were sent home with instructions to continue giving him Tylenol for the fever, everything looks alright. But things were not alright. Every time he would fall asleep his fever would shoot up. And when he was awake he wouldn’t eat anything.

The day arrived for us to fly out of Tampa, Florida and there was still no change in Chris’ condition. We flew out on February first praying and trusting God with our son.

We had only been in Jamaica for a couple of days when Chris got worse. We had been praying for him, trusting God for healing. Now, I was desperate! Our son needed a miracle!

It was early in the night when I laid him on our bed. I fell on my knees beside him and did what I should have done from the very beginning. I cried out to God in I prayed Chris lay on the bed crying, “Pray mommy, pray mommy, pray!” I would respond...”I am honey. God’s going to heal you!” My husband quietly facing the other direction. He too was praying. He prayed for me while I prayed for Chris.

Hours had passed and I was determined that I would not get off my knees until our son was healed. I prayed until his fever broke and he fell asleep. He slept through the rest of the night with no fever, no signs of sickness. He awoke the next morning saying, “Mommy, I’m hungry.”
God had given us the miracle we so desperately needed.

One doesn’t have to look far to know there are so many needing a miracle in their lives. Maybe you are one of them. Lately, I have been reminded that He is still the God who preforms miracles. I pray for you today, that you would experience a miracle in your life!

Luke 18:27 Jesus said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God.”
Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

'Everything Is Alright' ~ Part Two

426 Laurelwood Road
Pottstown, PA 19465

I would love to hear a miracle that God has preformed for you.
E-mail me at:

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