Saturday, June 2, 2012

Seventy Times Seven

Recently I heard the following song and I wanted to share it with you. The song is called ‘Please Forgive Me’ the words brought tears to my eyes. This morning I awoke with this song flooding my mind. Then it hit me many people struggle with the question, “How God could ever forgive me for the things I’ve done?” Maybe you have asked that question yourself.  I can’t tell you how many time I have had someone say to me, “But you don’t know what I’ve done.” My reply, “You’re right. But on the other hand, you don’t know what I’ve done either and yet God has forgiven me.”

You see every person who has lived long enough on this earth, has a past. Every person has gone places, said things, and done things they regret or even feel ashamed of. I once heard Billie Graham say, “You can’t unscramble an egg.” How true that is. We can’t change the past. But we can choose a different path for our future.

Can I be frank with you?    

It doesn’t matter what we have done in the past. Jesus loved us enough to give His very life so our sins could be forgiven and we would be able to make heaven our eternal home.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross he prayed,  “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

Did you hear that? The very people who spat in his face, who pulled out his beard, who pushed a crown of thorns into his head and beat him mercilessly on his back all before nailing him to a cross and then to top it off jabbed a spear into his side. Those very people he prays for and asked the Father to forgive them!

If He can forgive those who would do all this to him then He will forgive us for what we have done as well.

Peter once asked Jesus, “Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Look at the answer Jesus gave him, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.” That’s a lot of forgiveness!

Jesus would never tell us to do anything he is not willing to do. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what we have done in our past He is ready and willing to forgive any and all sin. Why? Because He Love Us!

The sad part is to many people listen to the lies of satan. He stands pointing a finger at God, while telling us, “It’s all his fault you are in this mess. He doesn’t love you, if he did he would have never let all these things happen to you.”

When the truth is, satan is the one who comes to steal and kill and destroy. Jesus is the I who came that we might have life abundantly.  John 10:10

My friend, the truth is satan was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

I want you to doesn’t matter what we have done in our past, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9


You can hear the song by going to:


My sleep is gone and my heart is filled with sorrow.
I can’t believe how much I’ve let You down.
I dread the pain that waits for me tomorrow
When the sun reveals my broken dreams
Scattered on the ground.

Please Forgive Me! I need your grace to make it through
All I have is you, I’m at your mercy.
Lord, I will serve you until my dying day
Help others find their way at your mercy.
Please Forgive Me!

I can’t believe the God of earth and glory
Would even take the time to care for a sinner like me.
But you know I read in the Bible that old story
How He pled for my forgiveness
While He was dying on a tree.
Please Forgive Me! I need your grace to make it through
All I have is You, I’m at your mercy.
Lord, I will serve You until my dying day
Help others find their way at Your mercy.
Please Forgive Me!

My prayer for you today:
Father God, there are so many people who feel that you can not love them because of the things they have done in their past. So, for those who read this blog today Father please reveal yourself to them in a personal way today. Help them to understand that your love covers all our sins. In Jesus Name, Amen

If you would like to speak to someone or want special prayer please feel free to call the church at 610-323-0480.
I invite you to join us at Calvary Christian Center, located at 426 Laurelwood Road (beside the Coventry Mall). The Sunday morning service starts at are always welcome!

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