Hours went into this assuring this gift would be finished, wrapped, and under the tree by Christmas evening ... which was the time we would be with him. One day I worked from 4:30am till 6:30pm, with an half hour break for lunch. My husband was so patient with me as I put all my efforts into making sure this project was done on time.
My list of 'Must Do Now' was becoming a challenge as so many other things were demanding my attention. Things like: decorating and cleaning our home, planning and preparation for open house for family and friends, shopping, wrapping and church events, just to name a few. Needless to say I was starting to feel the pressure of it all.

It's so easy to get caught up in all the hussle and bustle of Christmas and loose sight of what it's all about. Christmas is not the lighted trees, the stocking filled with special things, or the gifts under the tree.
Christmas is celebrating the greatest gift ever given...Jesus Christ! It's about the Love of a Heavenly Father who gave His very best for man kind. It's about Family, Love and Forgiveness.
After these past two weeks I have been reminded that Christmas is all about taking time to just sit in the stable and spend time with the one we are celebrating ... Jesus!
Christmas ... Christ Has Redeemed all Infirmities So That Mankind is Assured of Salvation.
The quilt...I finished it on Christmas day and wrapped it two hours before it was given to my grandson. He Loved It!
You can view Part One of "Journey To the Stable" by going to:
426 Laurelwood Road
Pottstown, PA 19465
Feel free to contact me
Cindy McKinley at:
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