Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. John 1:38-39
There comes a time for each of us when merely talking about Christianity is not enough. We must actually set out on the journey! Over the years people have spent many hours discussing issues related to the life of a Christian. All this talk means nothing if we never actually step out and follow Jesus Christ!
Perhaps the biggest discussion among the Jewish people has been about the coming of the Messiah. Andrew, who eventually became a follower of Jesus, had listened to John the Baptist talking about the coming Messiah. Now, in this passage of scripture, he is suddenly standing face to face with the One he so longed to see! Andrew's mind was filled with so many questions he wanted to ask Jesus.
As Jesus turned to walk away Andrew's heart began to beat faster, he didn't want his time with Jesus to be over. That's when Andrew took a chance and called out to Jesus, "Jesus, where are you staying?" When Jesus hear this questions He turns around and says to Andrew, "Come and See". What an invitation!
I have often though about what it would have been like if I had lived in those times. What if I had been the one asking Jesus where He was staying? Think about it, the very Son of the Living God, Jesus himself, the Messiah, giving me, Cindy McKinley, an invitation to walk along side Him. An invitation that Andrew accepted without reservation.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to follow Jesus?
I once read, "Christianity is not a set of teachings to understand, it is a Person to follow." How true that is. You see, as Andrew walked with Jesus, he saw amazing things take place; Jesus healing the sick, teaching God's wisdom, and demonstrate God's power. Andrew not only learned about God; he actually experienced Him!
Andrew stood that day at a crossroad. He could have let Jesus just walk away, but he chose to follow Him instead. He took a chance in calling out to Jesus. After all what did he have to loose?
Maybe today you are finding yourself standing at a crossroad in your earthly journey. Maybe, like Andrew, you have a thousand questions you want to ask Jesus. Why not consider calling out to Him? When you do, He will invite you on a new journey. As the two of you walk together you too will come to know Him like you have never known Him before.
Father God, in heaven, Please forgive me for trying to do things my way. After all my trying things have not turned out so good. I choose today to follow You. Teach me to do things Your way. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
If you live in or near Pottstown, Pennsylvania I invite you to join us at Calvary Christian Center, a place where you will experience Jesus.
426 Laurelwood Road
Pottstown, PA 19465
Feel free to e-mail me:
Cindy Mckinley at:
Check out some of my other blogs:
Choices http://cccenterhope.blogspot.com/2013/08/choices.html
Death and Life http://cccenterhope.blogspot.com/2013/08/life-and-death.html
Hot Pursuit http://cccenterhope.blogspot.com/2013/09/hot-pursuit.html
Go Away Jesus! http://cccenterhope.blogspot.com/2012/11/go-away-jesus.html
It's All God's Fault! http://cccenterhope.blogspot.com/2012/08/its-all-gods-fault_13.html
How Did I Miss That? http://cccenterhope.blogspot.com/2012/10/how-did-i-miss-that.html
Transition vs. Transformation http://cccenterhope.blogspot.com/2012/04/transition-vs-transformation.html
*Scripture was taken from the Holy Bible, the New American Standard Translation.
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