Trust can be a difficult thing to do at times. Let's face it, there are times when people do or say things that would give us reason not to trust them.
In my journey with Jesus Christ I have learned to trust Him. Key word being 'learned'. Trust is not something that comes easy, even when it comes to God. More often than not people blame God for the difficulties that come into their lives. If the truth be told, most of the time we face difficulties because of choices we have made or choices others have made.
In my quite time this morning I was reading from 'The Delight of Being His Daughter' By: Dotty Schmitt. Here's what I read.
"For so long I had asked, "Lord help me to trust You." It now appeared as though He were saying, "Daughter, can I trust you? Will you stand under pressure? Will you believe even in the darkness of circumstances? Will you give to others even when you feel you have need of being given to? Will you trust Me in the humdrum of everyday?"
I confess there have been times in my life when I'm sure God couldn't trust me. Times when caved under pressure and didn't believe in the darkest times. And in the humdrum of life, I am guilty there as well. As for giving, I can truly say, that is one area I really don't struggled with. Just ask my husband. LOL
I have learned to trust God over the years because He has proven himself to be trustworthy. My prayer today is that He has learned that He can trust me as well.
So, let me ask you, "Can God Trust You Today?"
Feel free to e-mail me if you would like special prayer.
Cindy Mckinley at:
426 Laurelwood Road ~ Pottstown, PA 19465
Check out some of my other blogs:
100% A Miracle
Undercover Boss
Come and See
Death and Life
Hot Pursuit
Go Away Jesus!
Death and Life
Hot Pursuit
Go Away Jesus!
It's All God's Fault!
How Did I Miss That?
Transition vs. Transformation
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