Many in North America view Christianity as a religion. However, Christianity is not a religion at all; it is an intimate, growing relationship with none other than Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. It is not a set of doctrines to believe, habits to practice, or sins to avoid.
To be a Christian means one is ‘Christ Like’. In the book of Acts we can read in that; “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” Why the word Christian? Because they were devoted followers of Jesus. Their relationship with Jesus had changed their lives drastically and their actions and speech reflected who they had become; like Christ.
God does not give us guidelines to be mean or cruel. Every command of God is intended to enhance His love relationship with His creation, mankind.
We have been designed to worship God and to see Him in His glory and to respond appropriately. Unfortunately, for many it has become a ‘religion’; one more meeting to attend out of habit, a social gathering filled with social activities.
God is longing for His creation to express their love for Him. Many time we feel if we use our gifts and talents in doing good deeds for others in our community we will appease God and pacify our guilty conscience.
God is a personal God, and He has given us prayer as a means of communicating with Him. Prayer is nothing more than talking with God like you would talk to a very close friend. After all, that is exactly what He longs to be; your very close friend.
Proverbs 18:24 says, “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Communication is a two way street. As you spend time talking with God take time to listen to what is on His heart a well. Yes, it is true God wants to speak to you! The greatest way He speaks in through His written Word the Holy Bible. Before you go to read, ask Him to speak to you and He will.
God instituted His commandments as a protection for those He loves, but the commandments can become a pathway to legalism rather than a avenue for a relationship with our Father in which He protects us from harm.
Religious activity apart from fellowship with God is nothing more than an empty ritual. The people of Jeremiah’s day were satisfied to have the ritual without the presence of God. They became so comfortable with their ‘religion’ that they didn’t even notice God’s absence. Their story is found in the Holy Bible in the book of Jeremiah.
So, is it possible to pray, to attend a church service, or to give an offering yet not to experience the presence of God? It certainly is possible! And sad to say thousands of hurting people; looking for hope, peace and comfort have faced this emptiness. Many have said, “What the use. There is nothing to this ‘religion’ stuff.”
Let me encourage you ... Don’t settle for a religious life that lacks a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. When God is present, the difference will be obvious.
God wants us to experience Him and His presence.
Jesus said in the book of Matthew, chapter 18, verse 20 “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” He is not a liar. God always says what He means and He means what He says.
So, today if you have been one of those who have tried ‘religion’ and are still feeling empty, lonely and hurting; let me encourage you to find a Bible Believing Church; one who preaches and teaches Jesus Christ and get connected.
If you live in the Pottstown, Pennsylvania area and are looking for a group of people who love Jesus and are devoted to following Him; then I invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 10am.
426 Laurelwood Road
Pottstown, PA 19465
Pottstown, PA 19465
End Of The World
Go Away Jesus!
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I Am Free!
Transition vs. Transformation
I Am Free!
Transition vs. Transformation